
How To Repair A Leaky Spigot

Using her main'due south in sustainable development, Susette helps Southern California h2o agencies carry out their h2o conservation projects.

If you have a leaking water spigot, it might be easier to just replace it rather than try to fix it.

If you accept a leaking water spigot, information technology might be easier to just supercede it rather than try to set up it.

Outdoor faucets (also known as water spigots or hose bibbs) are subject area to a lot of wear and tear that cause them to leak over fourth dimension. Withal, they can exist easier to set than you lot might think. If you are the do-it-yourself type who welcomes challenges around the house, this is the article for y'all.

Earlier You Start, Meet if You Can Set up the Spigot

You've probably noticed that your spigot is leaking, merely does information technology but crave a minor repair, like replacing a washer, or do you need a completely new i?

Examine it for any visible signs of damage to the handle, stem, or supply pipe. Is it leaking from the handle, spout, or where information technology joins the main supply pipe?

  • If it's leaking from the handle, try tightening the packing nut or replacing the washer(southward) first (run into the photo below).
  • If it'due south leaking from the joint to the supply pipage, remove the spigot, audit the threads for impairment, make clean the threads, and wrap them with Teflon tape.
  • If it's leaking from the spout, the inner mechanism may be damaged, and it's probably easier and cheaper to only replace the entire affair.

Hose bibbs usually cost anywhere from $5–x, only a plumber may charge y'all upwardly of $150 for the replacement service. Save some money and do information technology yourself. As y'all'll see, they're really quite simple to replace.

Hose bibb handle parts unpacked and labeled

Hose bibb handle parts unpacked and labeled

To brand the job piece of cake and avoid frustration, gather all your tools and supplies first.

  • Replacement spigot
  • Two piping wrenches
  • Spray lubricant (penetrating oil)—to help loosen the threads
  • Stiff-bristled castor—to remove corrosion and other debris
  • Old rags—to wipe your easily and the pipe afterward scrubbing
  • Teflon tape (plumber's tape)—to seal the threads and prevent time to come leaks

What Blazon of Spigot Should I Get?

I recommend removing the sometime spigot and taking information technology to the hardware store to observe a direct replacement. There are two things you or the store clerk should be looking for:

  1. Thread size: They usually come in 1/two-inch or 3/4-inch. Make sure you get a replacement that's the aforementioned size.
  2. Male or female person: Is your spigot male person (the threads are on the outside) or female (the threads are on the inside)?

How to Replace an Outdoor H2o Spigot

  1. Locate the water close-off valve.
  2. Shut off the water supply by turning the h2o shut-off valve clockwise.
  3. Open the spigot to bleed the remaining water.
  4. Remove the spigot past firmly grasping both the spigot and the supplying pipe and twisting the spigot counterclockwise.
  5. Castor the threads to clean the corrosion.
  6. Seal the threads with Teflon tape.
  7. Install the new spigot by hand before tightening it with a wrench.
  8. Check for leaks.

Each of these steps is explained in particular in the sections that follow, and photos are provided to aid guide you through the procedure.

Outdoor faucets often have their own shutoff valves, which can be located near the spigot or inside the house on the wall where the faucet is. If yours doesn't, you'll have to look for the main shutoff valve.

Outdoor faucets often have their ain shutoff valves, which can be located nigh the spigot or inside the business firm on the wall where the faucet is. If yours doesn't, you'll accept to look for the main shutoff valve.

1. Locate the Primary Water Shutoff Valve

In most houses, the chief water shutoff valve is located near the h2o meter. If y'all live in a cold region, the meter is likely in your firm or garage. If you lot alive in warmer climates, the meter is probably outside on the front end or side of your house.

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You may have ane or two valves. The valves will either be controlled by a lever or a wheel handle. Ball valves use levers, while gate (or world) valves use wheel handles.

Turn the lever or wheel handle clockwise to shut off the water.

Turn the lever or wheel handle clockwise to close off the h2o.

ii. Shut Off the Water Supply

If yous're unsure which shutoff valve will cut supply to the faucet you're trying to supervene upon, turn the faucet on slightly, locate a shutoff valve, and close it. The water should stop running within a minute or ii. If it doesn't, go back to the meter and look for another shutoff valve.

A firm with a large property tin take up to three main shutoff valves––1 from the street that shuts off all water on the property, one to the irrigation system alone, and another that controls the house water supply.

Shutoff valves with levers usually turn only 90 degrees. Bike handles turn until they are seated (usually within one or two full revolutions).

Drain leftover water to avoid making a mess.

Drain leftover water to avoid making a mess.

3. Drain the Excess Water

Open the spigot to let whatever remaining water drain out. Y'all may have stopped the water flow, simply in that location is likely yet some water in the portion of the piping from the shutoff valve to the spigot. Retrieve to close it again when yous're done.

Make sure the supply pipe is secured to prevent any damage from the twisting force.

Make sure the supply piping is secured to forbid any damage from the twisting force.

4. Remove the Sometime Spigot

Firmly grasp the supply pipe at the hex nut with one pipage wrench. Keeping the supply piping steady to avoid damaging the entire system, plow the spigot counterclockwise with the second pipe wrench.

Tip: If it doesn't turn, terminate. Don't force annihilation, every bit this tin can crusade boosted damage. Spray some lubricant in and around the joint and leave it on for a few minutes to loosen the threads.

A few quick taps can also help loosen up the corrosion. Just recollect to stabilize the supply pipe earlier doing so.

Use a brass or nylon brush rather than a steel brush to avoid scoring and damaging the threads.

Use a brass or nylon brush rather than a steel brush to avoid scoring and damaging the threads.

5. Brush the Threads to Make clean the Corrosion

Use a potent-bristled brush to remove corrosion, left-over plumber's record, and other debris. This prevents damage when installing the new spigot and ensures a water-tight seal.

Start from the base and overlap by 1/2–3/4 the width of the tape.

Starting time from the base of operations and overlap by 1/ii–three/4 the width of the tape.

half-dozen. Seal the Threads With Teflon Tape

Wrap the exposed threads with Teflon record, starting at the base and overlapping about half the width of the tape until you reach the tip. Teflon tape fills in the tiny gaps betwixt the threads to ensure that no water tin can leak out.

Hand-tighten first to make sure you don't accidentally cross the threads.

Hand-tighten first to make sure yous don't accidentally cross the threads.

7. Install the New Spigot

Carefully screw on the new spigot by hand until it is seated. Tighten it the residual of the style using a pipe wrench. To prevent damage to the protective finish, wrap a towel effectually the spigot earlier grasping it with the wrench.

8. Check for Leaks

Once it's installed, bank check for whatsoever leaks from the joint, stem, and spout. Make certain the spigot is turned off before turning the water supply dorsum on. And so, open the spigot and make sure that water is just coming out of the spout.

Video: How to Replace a Leaky Spigot Outside

Mutual Questions About Water Spigots

In this department, we'll go over some of the about frequently asked questions about outdoor faucets.

What'southward the Difference Between a Tap, a Faucet, a Spigot, and a Hose Bib?

All of them can refer to a valve that controls the flow of water, only in that location are some differences in their usage. For case, a tap in British English refers to the water control valve in sinks and bathtubs—what would be considered a faucet in American English language.

Spigot is a more technical term for a tap or faucet used by plumbers and other people in the industry, and it ordinarily refers to outdoor faucets. Hose bibb (or hose bib) is some other term for a spigot and is so named because it is where you would normally adhere a hose.

How Does a Spigot Work?

In a regular spigot, water supply is controlled by a valve—either a ball, globe, or gate valve—that can be opened or closed by a screw-downwardly mechanism. The diagram beneath depicts a gate valve. As you plough the handle, the machinery either opens or closes the valve.

Leaks from the spout generally occur due to wear and tear in this inner machinery. You may choose to replace the private components, but it is usually cheaper and easier to simply replace the entire spigot.

How Can I Prevent an Outdoor Faucet From Freezing?

If you live in a region that is prone to frost, leaks tin be caused past water expansion inside the pipe and/or spigot. To prevent frost damage, follow these steps:

  1. Close the primary water shutoff valve and bleed the water from the spigot(s).
  2. Wrap the spigot and any exposed pipes with pipage insulation (usually cylindrical foam pieces). Duct tape them for a tight and secure seal.
  3. Install a frost-proof faucet.

Note that wrapping with insulation but slows estrus loss. Information technology does not foreclose it, nor does it generate heat. With continuous exposure to freezing temperatures, the insulation will get ineffective. This is why draining the h2o out or installing a frost-proof faucet are the best ways to foreclose frost damage.

How Does a Frost-Proof Faucet or Spigot Work?

The basic mechanism of a frost-proof or freeze-proof faucet is similar to a regular faucet; a valve is opened or closed to control the catamenia of water. The departure is where the valve is located.

In a frost-proof spigot, the stalk (the portion that houses the valve control mechanism) extends up to two feet into the house. This prevents the water from existence exposed to freezing temperatures since the valve (the point where the h2o supply stops) is now located in the house.

This content is accurate and truthful to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: What do you do when the supply pipage is non attainable to hold while removing the faucet?

Answer: How far away is it? If it's simply within the wall in a hole that's too narrow to fit your manus in, you could probably use a long-handled pipe wrench. Otherwise, try using a faucet handle puller. They don't cost much—just $15 or and so on Amazon.—and they requite you lot extra reach.

Question: My outside faucet has an anti-siphon matter at the pinnacle which is where I have my leak? How do I gear up that? And my spigot is welded to a pipe (mayhap 6"). I was able to unscrew that pipe.

Answer: That's a expert question. The anti-siphon part is there to stop water from the hose backing upwards into your house water supply. If it's leaking, there'south a good chance of some dirt or little rocks bottleneck it up and stopping the little piston within from moving up and down. Information technology's an piece of cake fix, and then that's the first thing I would attempt. Here's a video that will evidence you how:

https://world wide

Question: What exercise you do when the supply pipe is in the wall and no mode to concur it in place to stabilize/steady it when removing the faucet? ie. the faucet is right against the brick wall.

Answer: Something or somebody had to be holding that pipe, while the faucet was screwed on initially. That means in that location'southward probably access inside the house (basement?) to the other side of the piping. I would recruit an assistant to button the piping forwards from the inside, then you tin can insert a pipe wrench on the outside, as soon as there's room.

Question: How do I replace an outside water spigot, if I take a PVC piping for the feed?

Answer: It depends on why you're replacing it. Start by acquiring a combination PVC/metal fitting and some CPVC glue. Then turn off the house h2o. If the spigot is the problem, you'll accept off the one-time one, clean the PVC piping, spiral the new spigot onto the fitting, and so mucilage the fitting onto the PVC piping. If the trouble is a break in the PVC pipe, but the spigot is ok, yous'll accept to saw off the broken pipe, make clean out the pipe left in the wall, spiral the old spigot onto the new fitting, and glue the new plumbing equipment onto the PVC pipage. Here is a video that shows how to install a new fitting and spigot onto the PVC pipage.

Question: How do I replace an outside h2o spigot if I have copper pipes?

Answer: It depends on if the copper pipe is threaded or not. If it is (I'm assuming you're replacing the faucet), you will supersede the old faucet with a new one in the same way you lot would with any other kind of pipe.

If information technology isn't threaded, and the leak is where the pipe joins the faucet, you'd take to cut off the cease that inserts into the faucet, and use either solder or a compression fitting to put a new finish on.

Here's how to solder it on:

https://world wide

If you use a pinch fitting, sentry out that you don't tighten it likewise much:

If yous're connecting copper pipes to plastic, you'll desire to insert a liner in the plastic pipe to keep information technology strong and not leak under the compression fitting:

Question: What to do when the outside faucet is on and h2o leaks into basement?

Respond: You'll need to trace the leak from the basement dorsum to the source. Information technology could be that the faucet will have to be replaced, or information technology could exist that the pipe has frozen at some point and cracked inside the wall, which is a much bigger chore. There are unlike ways to exam it. The post-obit forum is an excellent resource, with the questioner asking the same question you are—mayhap with a different result, but information technology will help you sympathise some of the possibilities.

Question: The spigot broke off from a brass pipe. How do I know that I can replace my new spigot to my sometime pipe?

Reply: The all-time thing to practice is have a photo of the pipe and take it, along with the new spigot, to your local hardware store—not a chain store, if yous can help information technology. Family hardware stores are usually run by people who really know what they're doing. They'll also need to know how big the pipage is, and so before you take the photo you lot can clean up the sometime pipage, measure out to see if information technology'southward a i/2" or 3/four" opening (or other), and write the measurement on a footling note you tin agree next to the pipe. Then take a photo. Amend nonetheless, have the photo before buying a spigot, then buy any your local hardware shop rep recommends.

Question: Should I add together grease to replacement washers?

Answer: It depends on the blazon of water you have flowing through. If information technology leaves calcium deposits behind, making your faucet potent to turn, so applying plumber's grease might be a good idea. Or if your faucet squeaks a lot, grease tin help remove the squeaking. Yous're not applying the grease to the washer, though. You're applying it to the handle where it turns.

© 2022 Susette Horspool

Susette Horspool (author) from Pasadena CA on July 29, 2022:

Aah. Hoses come up in dissimilar sizes. You might want to measure your faucet at the point where the water comes out. Nigh probable information technology will be either i/ii" or 3/4" across. Then you lot'll need to purchase a hose that's the aforementioned size.

Dawn Miller on July 29, 2022:

I don't have a leaky faucet, only I demand my faucet replaced (I call up). The water hose does not fit on the faucet, then I can't apply the water as needed. I don't know what happened to information technology, the water works. I bought a new hose, and information technology's not the hose.

Davana on September 11, 2022:

I just got ripped off by plumber who simply replaced the head on a 1000 hydrant after arguing with him about having to dig up the stand up pipe. I was informed that if it wasn't bent froze or otherwise damaged there was no need to dig up only to supervene upon faucet head. Simply unsrew and replace ! Of class, shut off water and becareful not to damage twist or plough stand pipe adjust water for valve and voila. I am 70 year old adult female and can't utilise a large wrench or would accept washed it myself . I ordered the 50.+ Part and asked a plumber to install... 735.00 dollars. I complained but to no avail! I am very upset to say the to the lowest degree. I even called manufacturer of the office and they said 1 in 100 times do e'er have to dig upwardly a stand up pipe the sent instructions and everything iii step process with pictures! However argued but said he'd endeavour it simply he always dug them up. That would have cost 1200.00 dollars OMG!!! Am I basics or what?

wathman on August 26, 2022:

I just repaired the hose bib in a house I just bought and information technology might be benign to add some insights for frost free hose bibs. Here is what I encountered. My first thought was to endeavor to replace the whole assembly with something newer, but the threaded coupling for this blazon of hose bib is typically viii-12 inches deep into the wall. Figuring out how to uncouple the old one and thread on and seal a new one with next to no access from my basement was not happening. A plumber might be able to do it, merely definitely not cheaply.

Equivalent new hardware was about $30 if I did take a way to install it every bit a DIY project.

What I ended upward doing is disassemble the frost gratis hose bib and examined the stem assembly. Was by and large in good shape, but the gasket and washer had some kind of oxidation caked on and were pretty strong and compacted. Found a "Wall Hydrant Repair Kit" for $20 that had a new washer and a new handle that I also needed (nigh $8 for that role solitary). After cleaning out the rest of the stem assembly and swapping in parts, the frost free outdoor hose bib that has probably been abused for the past 25 years is leak complimentary once again.

Susette Horspool (author) from Pasadena CA on September 04, 2022:

@Patricia - The price is going to vary depending on the difficulty of the project, i.eastward. how long it's likely to take for the repair. From what y'all say below it sounds similar the plumber will have to suspension into the stucco to access the piping inside the wall. He won't know where the leak is relative to the nearest join (where two pipes connect), so he'll need to be able to actually see the pipes to decide how much needs replacing. He'll also want to see if the pipe is breaking down because it's old, in which example there may exist leaks in continued pipes too.

Breaking into the stucco, checking for leaks farther in, repairing each one, then closing upwardly the stucco afterwards makes the cost college than the rough effigy I gave below. Looking at it in terms of time, $900/$55 per hour = 16 hours for the one repair, bold they charge what most plumbers practice.

To verify whether the plumber's guess is reasonable for your surface area, I would suggest you phone call your h2o supplier and tell them your situation. If they tin't help you, ask who tin. Or look for a local nonprofit like Rebuilding Together to see what they recommend.

Patricia Ludwig-Longello on September 04, 2022:

I have a spigot that is slightly leaking non sure where Not far down the line only nevertheless- somewhere in the line close to the office that comes from the stucco- I had a company that came and gave me estatament from 900-1300 then told me they could go every bit low equally 800 when I questioned price but no lower their reviews seem to be expert except for that pricing i'k just trying to get an honest opinion nigh the price

Susette Horspool (author) from Pasadena CA on August thirty, 2022:

That depends on what y'all mean by "cemented." If it'southward really cemented or glued, you'll probably accept to replace the pipe behind it likewise. In that case, don't even bother trying to pry it apart. Only unscrew the pipage behind it and accept it off equally one piece.

If what you hateful is that it's seriously stuck, then you'll demand two 12" wrenches to unscrew it as follows:

Angela on August 27, 2022:

If the old faucet appears to be cemented on to the pipe, how do you recommend getting it off?

Susette Horspool (writer) from Pasadena CA on July eleven, 2022:

@Nick - The price depends on what's wrong, of course. In the U.Due south. the average replacement cost for the unabridged faucet will be around $250, if a plumber does it (includes labor). If in that location's a leak in the pipe behind the faucet, it will cost more to replace both. The minimum charge for a plumber is $55 per hr.

If you do it yourself and it's just the faucet, it should cost a little less than $100 for materials, plus the time yous spend shopping and installing. If you lot alive in a cold area, be sure to buy a frost costless silcock (outdoor faucet). Proficient luck!

Nick Chocolate-brown on July 10, 2022:

Peachy blog, extremely helpful.

One question, tin you give me a berh rough guess on cost of materials needed to replace the spigot, replacing the entire spigot, faucet, and tap?

Parts cost $125, $200, $300...?

But spent 40 minutes cutting up my hands trying to water my dead rose bushes. Time for action!



Susette Horspool (author) from Pasadena CA on June 15, 2022:

@Carole - You mean the nut that holds the spigot onto the piping? Did you spray a lubricant on it first? If so, and it was all the same too hard, can you get some help to screw information technology off with the pipe wrenches?

Carole Brinkert on June fourteen, 2022:

50 am notwithstanding one of many that cannot remove the screw in the the residue of the info. is moot!

Kristi Precipitous from Built-in in Missouri. Raised in Minnesota. on June 28, 2022:

Very useful and well explained. It seems as though you've detailed everything stride by step which is exactly what people demand. Slap-up apply of videos. Nicely done. -K

Susette Horspool (author) from Pasadena CA on June 28, 2022:

Lindacee - We haven't even started talking about outdoor plumbing issues however. Now think about all the sprinkler leaks that don't get fixed, and and then the potential irrigation pipe leaks underground! LOTS of water wasted!

Simone - I concur and that's why I wrote information technology the way I did. Information technology helps me, likewise, to know how a thing works before I phone call in someone to set it for me.

Simone Haruko Smith from San Francisco on June 28, 2022:

This is so helpful! While I even so have no intention of replacing an outdoor water faucet by myself, it actually helps to know what to await for and which decisions I should be making.

Linda Chechar from Arizona on June 28, 2022:

Thank you for immigration upwards the tap, faucet and spigot confusion, watergeek. I've ever used the terms interchangeably -- and incorrectly! Proficient instructions for this DIY project. I wonder how much water is wasted each year considering of faulty outdoor plumbing? Not to mention the damaged caused to foundations and basements!

Susette Horspool (writer) from Pasadena CA on June 27, 2022:

Aha! Plumbing is not your DIY field, eh? ;-)

Om Paramapoonya on June 27, 2022:

Cheers for the step-past-step instructions. Yous made information technology sound pretty simple, simply still, it doesn't sound like fun. LOL Rated up and useful :)


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